This is Day One of online training to facilitate in the TRU Open Learning world. This is a good chance for me to see how the online environment intimidates those whose roles are less empowered among the learning community.
For example, learners who must excel to succeed at whatever project they hope to complete may face uncertainty both as to whether we are doing the process correctly and what cost will attend if we fail.
Also, learners who are less familiar with expectations of learning in the 21st century, the bulk of whose training has been face-to-face and has used older technology, may face lack of clarity and a fog of possibilities without any clear direction or a map to guide us.
Finally, those of us used to being in “the driver’s seat” regarding course operation may be be unable to relinquish control over our learning, particularly when we cannot see those who are “actually” driving.
All in all, the feelings are puzzling, unfamiliar, and uncomfortable.
We forge ahead . . . ?

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